The Guide to Building the Trust of Your Blockchain Community on Medium

Rodrigo Cardenete
Rodrigo Cardenete
Founder at BUNCH
BUNCH Guides
Crypto and Blockchain
Last Update:
July 5, 2024

Being home of the world’s most insightful writers, thinkers, and storytellers, Medium adds legitimacy to your blockchain project. It guarantees content exposure to high-level readers and conversations with opinionated communities. Medium is the perfect space for guidelines, in-depth knowledge, technical documentation, and strategy releases. This guide will walk you through on how to use Medium, its benefits, and proper utilization to be the best thought leader in the crypto space.

Medium is a social publishing network that can connect your ideas and perspectives on topics that matter to your niche. Medium offers simple creation tools combined with a larger distribution network. It allows your company to target your niche audience through high-quality and meaningful contents or articles that will provide information about your product and brand.

Medium Through the Years

Medium was created by Evan Williams, Twitter's co-founder and former CEO. It says on its website, “We’ll deliver the best stories and ideas on the topics you care about." One can publish writings and documents with a maximum of 280 characters. It was first launched in August 2012 and the company experienced a lot of setbacks causing it to cut off staff and close offices in New York. But eventually, new developments and progress helped the company grow as it is now. Medium introduced advertising in 2016 and since then, they have gained several new publishers and customers to host their content on the platform.

In 2017, the company had raised $134 million in investment from venture capital firms and Williams himself. They announced a membership program for $5 per month, offering access to high-quality, well-researched, and useful contents with a longer shelf life and later changed to $5 per month or $50/year to get unlimited access. Authors are paid a flat amount per article from the fee. The company is fastly growing with 60 million monthly active users (as of 2018).

6 Killing Features That Give You an Edge

Medium does not only act as a place for sharing product-related articles, but it also possesses other incredible advantages which are proven to improve your legitimacy in the crypto space. Boost your blockchan project and overpower your competitors by utilizing these six killing features:

1. The Temple for Publishers. Medium was born out of the traditional blogging platform. It includes a hybrid collection of amateur and professional people. Medium can become your company’s regular blog host.

2. Blog Substitute. Medium became the substitute for most traditional blogs in content marketing. It mainly exists to share ideas and perspectives from the world’s most insightful writers. Instead of hosting your company’s own domain, you can use Medium instead.

3. Seamless UI/UX. Medium offers limited designs with amazing UX / UI that guarantee a seamless experience when you write blogs or articles about your product platform.

4. Clapping System. Readers can cast vote via claps if the audience likes the content you created. Medium evaluates these claps and the more claps you get, the higher the chance that your content will be seen on the home page which in turn will allow you to reach your target audience.

5. All Blogs in One Place. Medium adds value to your company as you don’t need to write blogs from a different domain. Medium as a powerful platform for content amplification does it for you through its features and simple design.

6. In-Line Comments or Quotes. Your audience can put comments or quotes to your contents. This will allow you to connect and respond to them. Medium makes it possible for you to reach to your audiences this way.

5 Benefits from Medium That Can Help You Boost Your Brand

1. Reputation as an Authority

Medium can represent your product platform by publishing your company’s custom domain or subdomain. Using its own flexible format features and consistent user experience, it strongly represents your company’s brand. Putting everything from one brand in one place, Medium can give your platform the authority it needs.

2. Help with SEOs and Increase Traffic

Medium as a platform has one of the best SEO practices. It has a built-in page titling, mobile optimization, clean code, navigation, and internal linking based on topics of interest. You can put a link directly to your company’s website with no redirects so it increases site traffic and exposure to your niche. This makes content creation for your product very easy!

3. Audience Reach and Growth

Medium has a large and growing audience. It has its own algorithm that ranks and promotes quality contents that will allow your company to reach a wider niche and grow. Medium focuses on value, influence, credibility, authority, and domain expertise that is why you need Medium to get more traffic and spark growth.

4. Audience Engagement

Medium has a lot of features allowing a convenient engagement between you and your niche audience. Your audience can use @ mention feature on your contents and you will be automatically notified which easily links the users to you. They can also leave notes, highlight sentences, and share sections from an article they like. This is a good way of engaging with your audience, get feedback, and learn about them.

5. The Official Go-To Place for Blockchain Communities

With Medium’s smart and creative writers and publishers, crypto enthusiasts will always visit Medium to look for guidelines, in-depth knowledge, technical documents (i.e whitepaper), and strategy releases. Medium is the best place where people can read contents about the latest blockchain technology updates and news.

Make It to the Top with Medium. Here’s How.

Medium is a great tool to build more awareness and exposure for your product platform. Medium’s internal discoverability features can get a wide audience for your article without any extra effort on your end.

• Customize Your Profile. Edit your profile to position yourself as an expert in the crypto space. Mention your website or include a link to a lead magnet. Add value by sharing relevant ideas that is interesting. If they like your article, they may click on your profile and see information about your company.

• Create a High-Quality Post or Article for Your Target Collections. Writing is a creative process. Most top posts on Medium have great contents and a wide variety of headlines. To write a high-quality content, start off with a high-level topic that’s relevant to what your audience is looking for. If you really want to capture your reader’s interest, you have to do this. Write a captivating headline and introduction and don’t forget to always use your identity. Organize your post into different sections with clear headers and bullet points for better readability.

• Optimize Your Published Content. For your company to gain real traction, you'll have to work for it by optimizing the contents or articles you wrote about your company. Post on a regular schedule. This can attract thousands of followers, increasing the likelihood of your article to be featured on Medium. For low exposure articles, delete, edit the title, change the image, and repost your articles. This will give your content a chance to be noticed by audiences.

• Make a List of Your Target Publications and Submit Your Article. One thing you need to do to give your blockchain company some attention is to submit your posts to the right publications. When you publish a content or an article about your platform, it will only appear in the feeds of those who follow you. Submitting a post to a publication will expose the article to followers.

• Interact with Readers. Through Medium’s @ mention feature and "leave a note" feature, readers can interact with you. To appreciate them, you can respond to their notes or follow them back! This will indicate that you are interested in them. So keep them engaged! Strike while your content is still fresh in their mind. The odds are pretty good that the people who have engaged with your posts will follow you back.

• Link Back to Other Channels. This is the most important part. Without a proper call to action, you won’t be able to generate leads for your business, and you’ll lose out on one of the biggest benefits that Medium has to offer. At the bottom of your post, include a small snippet of text asking people to follow your other social media channels.

• Use Medium’s Marketing Analytics and Get Insights. Through Medium’s marketing analytics, you can get some insights and information on how readers found your content and your audience engagement activities. The best one is Medium does not try to block you from adding tracking code to the links you embedded in your content. You can add UTM parameters to get better insights on the value of the referrals your Medium content is delivering.


Content creation is very crucial and is important to any blockchain company’s marketing strategy. Using Medium for creating content for your company will give you more advantage and authority in the crypto space. By following the tips we provided, Medium is the best content creation platform because it offers a lot of features for your product from its easy design interface to hosting your own domain and reaching your niche.

About the Author

Rodrigo Cardenete
Rodrigo Cardenete
Founder at BUNCH

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